Pomegranate’s benefits 

Today modern science is ever closer to confirm the beliefs of the ancient civilizations that considered the pomegranate as a symbol of regeneration and life. There are many studies that have been conducted on the pomegranate and its bioactive elements, demonstrating its very important biological activities, especially antioxidant, anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory ones.

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Blueberry’s benefits 

Our ancestors had long understood the benefits that this precious berry, known and consumed since ancient times, could have on the organism. Many scientific studies have found that this small fruit rich in vitamin C, tannins and flavonoids, powerful natural antioxidants, can prevent inflammation of the body's internal tissues, defend the cardiovascular system and prevent osteoporosis.

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Cranberry’s benefits 

This small super red fruit, has got such precious substances that make it a real concentrate of health for the body. Now, accredited scientific studies have promoted it as an adjuvant in the treatment and prevention of urethritis and cystitis, affecting many women, especially in menopause. Also rich in polyphenols, the cranberry is a great ally of youth and helps to prevent cardiovascular disease.

Would you like to discover all the benefits of cranberry?

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