Our products come exclusively from European organic farming. Because only the European bio gives us the security of quality and controls in the defense of the environment. The alternative would be to use cheaper fruit from Asia with less guarantees in biological protocols, but this would not be consistent with the pursuit of excellence. Amigra means 100% pure juice from cultured and squeezed fruit. Before buying you should need always to check how the juice is obtained and that comes from European organic farming.

100% Pure organic pomegranate juice 

Its ruby red color, its dense and sweet taste without excesses, with a tannic aftertaste, makes it irresistible. Obtained directly from the squeezing of the pomegranate, without the addition of sugars or additives. A real concentrate of well-being that helps to contrast the cellular ageing process caused by free radicals, thanks to its powerful natural antioxidants polyphenols, flavonoids and tannins.

100% Pure organic blue blueberry juice

Its consistency, its sweet and slightly sour taste will conquer you. Amigra blueberry juice is derived only from the pressing of this small berry, without added sugars or additives. Vitamin C of which it is naturally rich, together with tannins and flavonoids, gives it a powerful antioxidant action to prevent inflammation of the body's internal tissues and to defend the cardiovascular system.

100% Pure organic cranberry juice

Its taste is an “adult” one with strong flavor. Slightly sweet aftertaste with unusually lively acidity and strong tannin. A taste with a difficult character but that for its strength many consume instead of alcoholic drinks or at the table also with elaborate dishes or spicy. Amigra cranberry juice, with no added additives or sugars, is rich in antioxidant polyphenols and other active ingredients useful for the body’s health. It is known above all for its diuretic, purifying and antiseptic properties of the urinary tract, to prevent and treat urethritis and cystitis infections affecting many women.