Does pomegranate make you put on weight? Find out why it’s not what you believe.
It is true, its taste is sweet and you can deduce that it contains large amounts of sugar and therefore a high calorie content. But there is nothing more wrong than believing that the pomegranate makes you fat. Let's see together why this wonderful super fruit can get into your daily diet without ruining your line and even help you lose weight!
Without a doubt pomegranate is a food of vegetable origin and 80% is water.
The pomegranate calories are around 60 per 100gr, so a low calorie content that makes it a valuable supplement in your diet combined with an active lifestyle.
The large amount of pomegranate antioxidants make it a superfood with exceptional depurative properties very useful if you are thinking of starting a detox diet. Furthermore, the high potassium and sodium content of the pomegranate means that it has a good draining capacity and helps you to eliminate excess liquids, thus fighting water retention.
Are you still convinced that the pomegranate makes you put on weight? Then you should know that this fruit contains more or less 4 grams of fiber for every 100gr, a content that can help you facilitate digestion and regularize intestinal transit.
Eating pomegranate juice during meals can be a good habit, so you will feel lighter and your body will not accumulate toxins. Furthermore, being mainly composed of water, it gives you a feeling of satiety that will help you eat less.
The sweet taste of pomegranate and its juice can scare not only those who have to follow a diet but also those who suffer from diabetes. But there are several scientific studies that have linked the pomegranate and its juice as an aid to prevent even type 2 diabetes. While in fact most of the fruit contains sugars in free form, the pomegranate contains only sugars combined with antioxidants which therefore carry out a action to lower the level of glucose in the blood.
So when you want to eat something sweet, replace snacks and chocolate with lots of pomegranate grains, added to cereals or salad, making an extract or as they are.
The most recommended time to eat is at breakfast. Your body will absorb its nutrients to the maximum and enjoy the most of its benefits. If you can't find the fruit, you can always buy pomegranate juice.
Amigra offers you a pure organic 100% pomegranate juice. Try it and you will be conquered by its sweet and balanced flavor and you can benefit from its properties throughout the year!